Wait I’m Working with Who?

The Sixteen most common Jerks at Work

The Pessimist

The Envier

The Intimidator

The Credit Thief

The Gossiper

The Lazy One

The Micromanager

The Competitor

The Narcissit

The Complainer

The Nitpicker

The Malicious One

The Backstabber

The Non-Responder

The Chatter

The Absent One


Eight Strategies for dealing with Jerks at Work

Disconnecting from Emotions

Refusing to play their game

Learning to neutralize conflict

Challanging bad behavior

Not sweating the small stuff

Learning by negative example

Not being a jerk yourself

Hiring slow Firing fast

Disconnecting from Emotions

Refuse to get caught up in the emotion

Take a look from the outside in

Figure out what buttons the jerk is pushing

Ask others what they think

Figure out what king of jerk you’re dealing with

Four ways to regulate your emotions

Don’t forget to breathe

Practice saying a mantra

Move your attention

Label what is happening

Refusing to play their game

Figure out what game the jerk is playing

Understanding how the jerk is manipulating you

Remove the buttons they keep pushing

Get the jerk out of your life

Enlist the help of others

Learning to neutralize conflict

Observe objectively

Identify emotions

Identify undelying needs

Involve employees to understand theimpact ot their behavior

Encourage resolution

Challanging bad behavior

Identify the bad behavior

Confront the perperator

Push back as necessary

Draw a line in the sand

At a last resort, Loop in your boss

Not sweating the small stuff

Exactly what is the bad behavior?

If it big deal, Then confront the problem

If it a little deal, Then ignore it

Focus on the positive

Change your perspective

Learning by negative example

Figure out who the jerks are in your organization

Take a close look at the behaviors that make them jerks

Compare them to the field guide in sixteen jerks

Learn lesson the field guide in sixteen jerks

Avoid doing what the jerks in your organization do

Not being a jerk yourself

Assess how people act around you

Get feedback from others

Take the feedback you get from others seriously

Set a goal

Follow Through

Hiring slow Firing fast

Take your time when you hire

Interview, Interview, Interview

Hire for alignment

Correct, Counsel, and Coach

Fire as a last resort

Peter Economy