Goodbye Things

55 Tips to help you say goodbye to your things

  1. Discard the preconception that you can’t discard your things.
  2. Discarding something takes skill.
  3. When you discard somethings, you gain more than you lose.
  4. Ask yourself why you can’t part with your things.
  5. Minimizing is difficult, but it’s not impossible.
  6. There are limits to the capacity of your brain, energy and time.
  7. Discard something right now
  8. There isn’t a single item you’ll regret throwing away.
  9. Start with things that are clearly junk.
  10. Minimize anything you have in multiples.
  11. Get rid of it if you haven’t used it in a year.
  12. Discard it if you have it for the sake of appearance.
  13. Differentiate between things you want and things you need.
  14. Take photos of the items that are tough to part with.
  15. It’s easier to revisit your memories once you go digital.
  16. Our things are like roommates, except we pay their rent.
  17. Organizing is not minimizing.
  18. Tackle the nest (storage) before the pest (clutter).
  19. Leave your “unused” space empty.
  20. Let go of the idea of “someday”.
  21. Say goodbye to who you used to be.
  22. Discard the things you have already forgotten about.
  23. Don’t get creative when you’re trying to discard thing.
  24. Let go of the idea of getting your money’s worth.
  25. There no need to stock up.
  26. Feeling the spark of joy will help you focus.
  27. Auction services are a quick way to parts with your possessions.
  28. Use auctions to take one last look at your things
  29. Use a pickup service to get rid of your possessions.
  30. Don’t get hung up on the prices that you initially paid.
  31. Think of stores as your personal warehouse.
  32. The city is our personal floor plan.
  33. Discard any possessions that you can’t discuss with passion.
  34. If you lost it, would you buy it again?
  35. If you can’t remember how many presents you’ve given, Don’t worry about the gifts you’ve gotten.
  36. Try to imagine what the person who passed away would have wanted.
  37. Discarding memorabilia is not the same as discarding memories.
  38. Our biggest items trigger chain reactions.
  39. Our home aren’t museums, they don’t need collections.
  40. Be social, be a borrower.
  41. Rent what can be rented.
  42. Social media can boost your minimizing motivation.
  43. What if you started from scratch?
  44. Say “see you later” before you say goodbye.
  45. Discard anything that creates visual noise.
  46. One in, One out.
  47. Avoid the Concorde fallacy.
  48. Be quick to admit mistakes. They help you grow.
  49. Think of buying as renting.
  50. Don’t buy it because it’s cheap. Don’t take it because it’s free.
  51. If it’s not a “Hell Yes!” It’s a “No”
  52. The things we really need will always find their way back to us.
  53. Keep the gratitude.
  54. Discarding things can be wasteful. But the guilt that keeps you from minimizing is the true waste.
  55. The things we say goodbye are the things we’ll remember forever.

15 Tips for the next stage of your minimalist journey

  1. Fewer things do not mean less satisfactions.
  2. Find your unique uniform.
  3. We find our originality when we own less.
  4. Discard if you’re thought about doing so five times.
  5. If you’ve developed your minimalist skills, You can skip the “see you later” stage.
  6. A little inconvenience can make us happier.
  7. Discard it even if it sparks joy.
  8. Minimalism is freedom the sooner you experience it, the better.
  9. Discarding things may leave you with less,But it will never make you a lesser person.
  10. Question the conventional ways you’re expected to use things.
  11. Don’t think. Discard!
  12. Minimalism is not a competition. Don’t boast or Judge someone.
  13. The desire to discard ant desire to possess are flip side of the same coin.
  14. Find your own minimalism.
  15. Minimalism is a method and beginning.

12 ways I’ve changed since I said goodbye to my things

  1. I have more time.
  2. I enjoy life more.
  3. I have more freedom.
  4. I no longer compare myself with others.
  5. I stop worrying about how others see me.
  6. I’m more engaged with the world around me.
  7. I can focus better. I can concentrate on being me.
  8. I save money and I care more about the environment.
  9. I’m healthier and safer.
  10. My interpersonal relationships are deeper.
  11. I can savor the present moment.
  12. I feel true gratitude.

Fumio Sasaki

How to live like your Cat

Your Friend, The Cat

Your Cat is Free

Your Cat is Charismatic

Your Cat is Calm (Most of the time)

Your Cat Knows How to Assert Itself

Your Cat is Wise

Your Cat thinks About Itself First

Your Cat accepts Itself as it is

Your Cat loves Itself

Your Cat has a certain Swagger

Your Cat is Pround

Your Cat is the Center of Attention

Your Cat is Impenetrable to Judgement

Your Cat is Curious by Nature

Your Cat is In-De-Pen-Dent

Your Cat Brims with Self-Confidence

Your Cat knows how to Delegate

Your Cat knows how to take the time to Live

Your Cat Adapts to Everything Quickly

Your Cat loves Calm

Your Cat chooses its Own Company

Your Cat knows how to Rest, it loves to Sleep

Your Cat knows when to say no

Your Cat knows how to Avoid Conflict

Your Cat adores its Home, and marks out its Territory

Your Cat Trusts you

Your Cat is a Natural Boss

Your Cat is Tenacious

Your Cat is always Cautious

Your Cat has a huge need for Love

Your Cat is Serene by Nature

Your Cat knows what it wants, and is direct about it

Your Cat Dares to ask (All the time)

Your Cat is always Honest

Your Cat is Silent and Observant

Your Cat is a Sincere Friend

Your Cat Focuses on the Essential

Your Cat always remains Natural

Your Cat is Humble and Indulgent

Your Cat knows how to see the Fun in everything

Your Cat is Beautiful … and knows it

Your Cat is at Ease in all situations

Your Cat shows Empathy

Your Cat always has the Last word

Stephane Garnier

Wait I’m Working with Who?

The Sixteen most common Jerks at Work

The Pessimist

The Envier

The Intimidator

The Credit Thief

The Gossiper

The Lazy One

The Micromanager

The Competitor

The Narcissit

The Complainer

The Nitpicker

The Malicious One

The Backstabber

The Non-Responder

The Chatter

The Absent One


Eight Strategies for dealing with Jerks at Work

Disconnecting from Emotions

Refusing to play their game

Learning to neutralize conflict

Challanging bad behavior

Not sweating the small stuff

Learning by negative example

Not being a jerk yourself

Hiring slow Firing fast

Disconnecting from Emotions

Refuse to get caught up in the emotion

Take a look from the outside in

Figure out what buttons the jerk is pushing

Ask others what they think

Figure out what king of jerk you’re dealing with

Four ways to regulate your emotions

Don’t forget to breathe

Practice saying a mantra

Move your attention

Label what is happening

Refusing to play their game

Figure out what game the jerk is playing

Understanding how the jerk is manipulating you

Remove the buttons they keep pushing

Get the jerk out of your life

Enlist the help of others

Learning to neutralize conflict

Observe objectively

Identify emotions

Identify undelying needs

Involve employees to understand theimpact ot their behavior

Encourage resolution

Challanging bad behavior

Identify the bad behavior

Confront the perperator

Push back as necessary

Draw a line in the sand

At a last resort, Loop in your boss

Not sweating the small stuff

Exactly what is the bad behavior?

If it big deal, Then confront the problem

If it a little deal, Then ignore it

Focus on the positive

Change your perspective

Learning by negative example

Figure out who the jerks are in your organization

Take a close look at the behaviors that make them jerks

Compare them to the field guide in sixteen jerks

Learn lesson the field guide in sixteen jerks

Avoid doing what the jerks in your organization do

Not being a jerk yourself

Assess how people act around you

Get feedback from others

Take the feedback you get from others seriously

Set a goal

Follow Through

Hiring slow Firing fast

Take your time when you hire

Interview, Interview, Interview

Hire for alignment

Correct, Counsel, and Coach

Fire as a last resort

Peter Economy

The 10 Talents of Successful Entrepreneurs

The talents of successful entrepreneurs are a diverse mix, but some key ones tend to stand out. Here are 10 of the most important:

Business Focus


Creative Thinker




Knowledge Seeker


Relationship Builder

Risk Taker

Key Traits

Profit Oriented

Establish clear goals and measure progress.

Judge the value of opportunity, relationship, or a decision by its effect on business.

Invest time in planning a growth strategy.

Align employee responsibility with company goals.


Maximize profit can lose sight of customers.

Focus on increasing customer satisfaction along with maximize revenues.


Use specific timelines and yardsticks to measure business goals.

Manage your time carefully.

Write down your vision for short term and long term, and refer it often.

Communicate your goals consistently with your employees and clients.

Don’t lose sight of the human element in business.

Learn everything you can about all aspects of your business. 

Key Traits

Know yourself and present yourself effectively with confidence.

Clearly understand and can influence others.

Action-Oriented and take initiative.

Conviction in your ability to be a successful entrepreneur.


Overconfidence can be harmful to an enterprise’s health.

Not considering all the relevant factors before making decision.

Overestimating your ability to get results with minimal resources.

Overcommit resources without accessing the competition and market readiness.

Pay close attention to customer need technology to bring product to the new market.


Plan ahead to boost your confidence.

Do your homework to make your product ready for the market.

Avoid speed trap to make decision under pressure.

Discuss opportunities with your network.

Avoid in-group thinking seek feedback from diverse stakeholders.

Key Traits

Imagine beyond the boundaries of what exist now.

Explore options and can think your way through problems.

Constant dream up new products or service to customer.

Have a mind that is typically firing with many different ideas.

Curious and quick learner.


Make sure to communicate your ideas with your team.

Pay attention to changing customer need or shifting business environment.

Not to rush to launch new initiatives.

Don’t lose sight of your core business.


Balance current and future customer needs.

Use measurement to evaluate your ideas.

Releasing your new products or service incrementally.

Maintain a simple organizational structure.

Balance efficiency with creativity.

Mobilize resources to fuel the innovation.Learn from your failures.

Key Traits

Delegate authority and responsibility.

Proactively collaborate with others.

Recognize and draw on people’s special abilities.

Ensure that team members become effective contributors.


Do not abdicate your overall responsibility for a project.

Set a milestone to monitor progress and feedback.


Identify what to delegate. Critical for business or someone do it better?

Identify whom to delegate. Talents and Skills.

Take time to set things up for success.

Allow employee to perform.

Give feedback.

Access the human resources you need for delegation.

Key Traits

Have a tremendous work ethic.

Confront obstacles directly and overcome them.

You are persistent and undeterred by failures and roadblocks.

Eager to make decision and quick to act.


Discontent disappointment and regret when faced with failing.

Having to make unpleasant decisions.

You might not attain all commitment.


Share your optimist outlook to your partners.

Energize your determination by partnering with creative individuals.

Always keep the big pictures of your business in mind.

Monitors your progress toward predefined goals.

Be attentive to the constantly shifting business landscape.

Don’t focus on the cause of setbacks. Move forward.

Keep things in perspective.

Reflect on your success and failures.

Key Traits

Depend on yourself to get the job done.

Have strong sense of responsibility.

Handle multiple tasks successfully.

High level of competence in every aspect of managing a business.


Independence is critical in the startup phase. Not for growth.

Long working hour days with multiple tasks could lead to burnout.

Impossible to do everything yourself. Transfer responsibilities to your staff.


Plan for the long term.

Don’t lose sight of your main objective.

Be prepared to “Pivot” quickly.

Form strategic alliances and diverse network.

Develop a product that aligns with your customer needs.

Hire staff members who can meet the needs of your growing business.

Key Traits

Acquire in depth information about every aspect of your business.

Use knowledge as competitive advantage.

Preoccupation with your business that borders on obsession.

Anticipate knowledge needs and use knowledge well.


Too many new ideas sometimes too quickly confusing your employees and customers.

Avoid the lure of implementing every idea. 

Select ideas that streamline your business and add value to your customer.


Find your voracious desire to know everything related to your business.

Set aside plenty of time for thinking and learning.

Sort through your insights before initiating action.

Get an outsider’s point of view.

Give your employees clear direction.

Key Traits

Speak boldly on behalf of your company.

Make your case effectively and influence people.

Communicate your vision of your company to employees and customers.

Have a clear growth strategy.


Closeness to your idea or product may blind you to its flaws.

Be objective about the product or service you promote.

Creating a single dominant persona may be counterproductive for business.


Build a great product or service.

Position yourself as an expert on company product and service.

Rehearse your story. Practice your story telling technique.

Use multiple media to reach the widest audience possible.

Build and support a community for your product and services.

Key Traits

Have high social awareness.

Attract and maintain a constituency.

Build mutually beneficial relationships.

Use your relationship talents to access internal and external resources.

Forge relationship with employees and customers that go beyond work.

Have an open demeanor, positive attitude, and personal integrity that help build trust.


Be selective about the associations you form.

Overinvestment in your network may take time away from focusing on your business.

Sometimes strong networks can shutdown new people and new thinking.


Diversify your network. Go beyond those you know well.

Reciprocity is vital to maintaining strong relationship.

Be selective in whom you invest the most time.

Pay attention to the existing bonds, loyalties and network community which you work and live.

Use your time, brand, and resources to address social issues.

Renew and reshape your networks frequently.

Key Traits

Have a strong personality, charisma, and confidence.

Enthusiastic when taking the challenges.

Have a highly optimistic perception of risk.

Make decision easily in complex situations.

Take a rational approach to decision making.


Overestimate ability to manage risk.

Underestimate the uncertainties in the external business environment.

Evaluate an opportunity rationally before taking action.

Get feedback from your people.

Take time deciding which projects build on your core business.


Know what you do know and what you do not know.

Take risk incrementally.

Beware of confirmation bias. Ask people with opposing views.

Construct different scenarios to guide your decision-making process.

Don’t gamble. Take careful calculated risk.

Kill unimportant projects.

While not everyone possesses all these talents, many successful entrepreneurs cultivate them through experience, practice, and a willingness to learn. Remember, entrepreneurship is a journey, and developing these talents is an ongoing process.





ที่จะทำให้คุณเก่งขึ้น แต่เหนื่อยน้อยลง!

●ทักษะพื้นฐานคนทำงาน :  ส่งอีเมล จดบันทึก พรีเซ้นต์งาน
●ทักษะชีวิต :  จัดการเวลา ลำดับความสำคัญ วินัย
●ความคิดสร้างสรรค์ :  ริเริ่มสิ่งใหม่ สร้างตำนาน
●ความเป็นผู้นำ :  เป็นแบบอย่างที่ดี ส่งเสริมเพื่อนร่วมงาน
●ตระหนักรู้ :  หลงใหลสิ่งที่ทำ


ตอบอีเมลเร็ว จัดการงานที่ทำได้ทันที เขียนให้สั้นกระชับได้ใจความ

จดโน้ตเก่ง เก็บทุกรายละเอียด และประเด็นสำคัญ

เจ้าชายไวท์บอร์ด แยกย่อยข้อมูลที่แต่ละฝ่ายพูดในที่ประชุมได้ทันที

เอกสารสรุปง่ายในแผ่นเดียว มีเค้าโครงโดยรวม เห็นผลลัพธ์ปลายทาง

ใส่ใจในรายละเอียด แม้แต่ข้อผิดพลาดเล็กน้อยในเอกสารก็ตาม

เอกสารพรีเซ็นต์งาน ปรับตามสไตล์ผู้ฟังและตามสไตล์เรา


พูดด้วยนำเสียงน่าฟัง ลมหายไม่ขาดช่วง ออกมาจากช่องท้อง

สนใจคู่สนทนา ฟังความคิดเห็นและความต้องการของอีกฝ่าย



โต๊ะทำงาน ลิ้นชัก กระเป๋าเอกสาร หน้าจอคอมพิวเตอร์ ไฟล์ โฟลเดอร์เอกสาร จัดเป็นระเบียบ

จัดระเบียบสิ่งของต่างให้ใช้ร่วมกับผู้อื่นได้ ไม่ใช่รู้อยู่คนเดียว

มีอัธยาศัยดี สร้างความสัมพันธ์อันดีกับคนรอบข้าง


ตื่นตอนแต่เช้าตรู่ นอนหลับอย่างมีคุณภาพ

เคร่งครัดเรื่องเวลานัดหมาย และกำหนดส่งงาน

จัดลำดับความสำคัญ ทำสิ่งที่ควรทำ


แต่งตัวเหมาะสมกับกาลเทศะ ใช้ของที่เหมาะกับตัวเอง มีคุณภาพ

แต่งตัวออกงานสังคม งานทางการ ให้ดูดี

ซื้อของตัดสินใจโดยยึดตัวเองเป็นหลัก ไม่ต้องแคร์คนอื่น

ใช้เงินอย่างคุ้มค่า ไม่เสียเงินกับเรื่องไม่จำเป็น



การออกกำลังกายสะท้อนถึงความอดทน มีสมาธิ และมีวินัย


จัดการความเครียด ตั้งสำรอง เตรียมใจไว้

จัดเวลาทำกิจกรรมคลายเครียดให้เป็นกิจวัตร อย่าผัดผ่อน

ถึงเวลาพักก็พักให้เต็มที่ มีความสนุกเพลิดเพลิน



มีความรอบรู้ในทุกด้านของชีวิต ไม่ใช่แค่เฉพาะเรื่องงาน



คิดริเริ่มด้วยตัวเอง สร้างสรรค์งานที่ตัวเองอยากทำ




ใส่ใจคุณภาพของงาน ใส่ใจรายละเอียด






หลงเหลือผลงานให้บริษัท บริษัทดีขึ้นอย่างไรเมื่อมีเราอยู่









ให้เกียรติลูกน้อง สร้างความรู้สึกว่าลูกน้องคือคนสำคัญ


คิดถึงผลประโยชน์ของลูกน้อง ให้ลูกน้องค้นพบความต้องการของตัวเอง

สร้างแรงกดดันให้ลูกน้อง กระตุ้นให้พัฒนา

ลาออกแล้วถ้าลูกค้ากับลูกน้องย้ายตามมา ถือว่าใช้ได้



มุ่งมั่นสุดความสามารถ จนคนรอบข้างอยากติดตาม



ระวังกับดักคนเก่ง ทำความรู้จักตนเองค้นหาสิ่งที่อยากทำ


หางานที่ใช้จุดแข็งของตัวเองได้เต็มที่ หรือไม่ก็สร้างงานนั้นขึ้นมาเอง



ทำหน้าที่ตามความรับผิดชอบให้สมบูรณ์เสียก่อน แม้เป็นงานที่ไม่ชอบหรือไม่ถนัดก็ตาม



เป็นบริษัทชั้นเลิศ คนมีฝีมือจึงอยากร่วมงานด้วย

ดึงคนที่มีความสามารถมากกว่าตัวเอง และสร้างแรงจูงใจในการทำงานอย่างมีความสุข

ช่วยให้คนทำงานด้วยกันมีความสุข จึงจะประสบความสำเร็จ


กล้าที่จะละทิ้ง รู้ว่าสิ่งไหนสำคัญมากกว่างาน


กล้าลงมือทำ ถ้าไม่ทำตอนนี้อาจไม่มีโอกาสอีกแล้ว

ใช้ชีวิตในแบบของเรา ไม่ใช่ในแบบที่คนอื่นคาดหวังสร้างปฏิสัมพันธ์กับบุคคลเกรดเอทุกคน